About Us

We come from an audit background with a focus on IT. Our CEO was a computer audit partner at Coopers & Lybrand. He had a long-standing relationship with IBM in the area of quality assurance for their standard software packages. As an IBM partner, he worked with IBM on many successful customer projects.

Our service does not consist in programming, but in selecting the right components to meet the customer's requirements, as described on the home page in the first step of implementation. The assembly of the components and their functional testing is described in the second realisation step. We make sure that the customer gets the right system to meet his needs and also act as a consultant and controller. DAtoB is the right partner for small and medium-sized companies whose IT requirements often are very special to comfort their customers.

Our customers are free to contract directly with our Bulgarian software partners. In this direct settlement with the Bulgarian software company, DAtoB is the contractor of the programming software company and is only contractually bound to it.

Computer Audit - Coopers & Lybrand

IBM Quality Assurance - Professionelle Softwaretests



DAtoB is a provider of bespoke cloud solutions for German and Austrian SME´s with Bulgarian software structures.

On site by prior arrangement

Munich, Vienna, Plovdiv, Sofia